The Southeast Area Square Dance Council was organized by Bill Meredith on March 11, 1956 to aid in the “furtherance of the program and good fellowship of square, round, and folk dancing. To this end this Council shall promote and sponsor such programs as may tend to increase participation in the dancing activities.” Quoted in part from the Council Constitution.

The Council area is composed of twenty counties in the southeastern section of Colorado. Tod Williams became the first president elected by representatives of eight clubs. At one period twenty-seven cubs were members of the organization. Eighteen clubs and organizations presently comprise the council membership.

The 1961 State Festival was hosted by the Southeast Area in Pueblo. In 1962 the Cheyenne Mountain Festival was located in Colorado Springs honoring the Cheyenne Mountain Dancers and Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaw “Pappy” as he was affectionately called. Dr. Shaw formerly superintendent of Cheyenne Mountain Schools, is well known as the father of modern square dancing. Pueblo again hosted the Annual State Festival in 1966 while Colorado Springs had the honors in 1970 with 1383 dancers in attendance.

The Council is comprised of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, two representatives to the Colorado State Square Dance Association and representatives, not exceeding two (2) from each member club or organization. Permanent committees consist of a Historian and a Bulletin Editor. Council meetings are held the third Sunday of each month, excepting June, July, and August, and consist of a business meeting followed by a dancing program.

The Council sponsors the annual “New Dancer's Jamboree” usually held the 4th Saturday in August.