NSDC, home of the worlds' greatest square dance event.
The National Square Dance Convention® is an annual event occurring in late June each year moving from city to city based upon a bid process presented at the annual convention and awarded four years in the futures.
All members of the local convention committee are volunteers who donate their time, energy and expertise to produce the “World’s Greatest Square Dance Event” each year.
The convention presents an extensive program of education through panels, seminars and workshops. But, the convention includes all phases of dancing, exhibitions, a fashion show, bid session, special events and much shopping opportunities at the Vendors. Most of all the convention provides fun and fellowship to dancers and leaders from around the world.
Many, many of the world’s most able callers, cuers, and leaders include the National Square Dance Convention® in their busy schedules each year.
The convention is a one of a kind event that has been held annually for the past 60 years.